Wednesday, November 02, 2005

You make me laugh Tofu!

You make me laugh
so much, so hard, so specially...

in the way that only you can

I read your letter today

and I laughed. More than I've laughed this entire day

If I could pack you in a bag and carry you everywhere

I go.

I'd pack you tofu.

A box of tofu laughs.


Ange said...

a box of tofu laughs! hehe.. that sounds soo adorable~ mmmmm~ who's tofu, my dahlin? =D

edharob said...

haha... why, tofu's tofu of course... who else could it be.. =) Would still love to go to Australia with you dearie, the SunS aren't as bad as you think they are... i take full responsiblity for the F*** poem i wrote before hehe. =)